Even if you find a helpful broker or banker, you need to get information you can trust to make your decision to refinance. There’s now over 1000 different home loan products on the market, and sorting through them is just as tricky as working out which mobile phone plan or private health cover is best […]
Top 3 tips to find a lower interest rate
Even if you have a helpful broker or bank lender, you need to make sure you get the right information to find a lower interest rate to suit your needs. There’s a good chance you can end up confused, as there are now over 1000 different home loan products in the market. Sorting through them is just […]
Are you ready to grow on 2018?
Do you run your own business? If you do, are you ready to grow in 2018? There are some important finance options that most people don’t know about. We explain these options for you below…. WORKING CAPITAL Keeping on top of cash flow management. Making sure the day to day business operations keep running smoothly. NEW OR IMPROVED SPACE Moving […]
Save you the hassle of paperwork
When you’re looking for a better deal on your loans, it’s the hassle of paperwork and forms that makes things too hard. At Craig Tracey Lending our FastDoc system is just 3 simple steps to save you the hassle of paperwork. All you need is internet banking and scanner to save your documents to Dropbox. We then do all the […]
Have you got the lowest rate?
Interest rates are at historic low levels but how do you know if you’ve got the lowest rate? Firstly, it’s important you know most banks have “under the counter” rates that are lower than the advertised interest rate. Whether you have a home loan, investment loan or business loan, you should always try to negotiate […]