What are the Four Secrets to owning your home sooner?
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Our Services

Find a better deal

Finding a better deal on your home loan can save thousands of dollars in repayments, fees and interest over the life of your loan.

Build equity sooner

At Craig Tracey Lending we find you a lower interest rate then show you how the right loan package will help you own your home sooner.

Renovate your home

If you love where you live and don’t want to move, then renovating can make your home feel brand new, plus increase the value.


Buying property

Buying your first home is an exciting time. There’s a lot to get your head around. We can show you how.


Consolidate debts

Being in debt can be a big worry for you and your family. We can help you get on top of your everyday expenses and have better control over your finances.


Business finance

At Craig Tracey Lending we get to know you and your business, save you the hassle of paperwork and negotiate the very best deal from our panel of business banks.


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Craig Tracey is the owner of Craig Tracey Lending. Craig is a fully accredited Finance Broker with over 15 years of experience in the banking industry.

Craig places great importance on taking the time to listen to his client’s needs and is dedicated to providing the right kind of information needed to ensure his clients find the lender and loan package that’s right for them.” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fcraigtraceylending.com.au%2Fstaff%2Fcraig-tracey%2F|title:Read%20More||” color=”#5aa1a6″]

Craig Tracey


Craig Tracey


Craig Tracey is the owner of Craig Tracey Lending. Craig is a fully accredited Finance Broker with over 15 years of experience in the banking industry.

Craig places great importance on taking the time to listen to his client’s needs and is dedicated to providing the right kind of information needed to ensure his clients find the lender and loan package that’s right for them.