Without mortgage brokers, finding a home loan will be harder and could become more expensive. Sign our online petition at https://www.brokerbehindyou.com.au/ and keep competition alive.
Ongoing service to my Clients
The Royal Commission recommended Mortgage Brokers should not receive ongoing trail commissions that are used to provide an ongoing service to their Clients. The Government will adopt this recommendation from 1st July 2020. Importantly, I will continue to give my Clients ongoing service into the future to make sure theirs loans are always competitive. Borrowers are using Mortgage Brokers […]
People are using Mortgage Brokers more than ever
The Royal Commission uncovered massive misconduct by the Banks. But there was no misconduct by Mortgage Brokers. In fact, in December 59% of all new home loans were by Mortgage Brokers – this is the highest market share for Mortgage Brokers ever recorded. Also, recent research has shown 95% of borrowers are either satisfied or […]
Mortgage Brokers are still paid by the banks
The Royal Commission recommended Mortgage Brokers be paid by the Borrower. However, this recommendation has not yet been adopted by the Government, and will be reviewed in three years’ time. This means Mortgage Brokers will still be paid by the banks, and not paid by the Borrower. Click below to contact us for more information….
Changes for Mortgage Brokers – how it effects you
As you know, the Royal Commission has recommended changes to the way Mortgage Brokers are paid. So how do the changes effect you? Mortgage Brokers are still paid by the banks The Royal Commission recommended Mortgage Brokers be paid by the Borrower. However, this recommendation has not been adopted by the Government, and will be […]