Breaking your fixed rate


Most home owners don’t want to break their fixed rate home loan.

This is usually because the banks convince you not to.

My Refinance Savings Calculator shows you how to save money by breaking your current fixed rate, and going to a lower fixed rate.

This is really important if you fixed your home loan a couple of years ago, because fixed rates are much lower now.

Once we have calculated your savings, I then put together a comprehensive Borrowing Plan for you.

This gives you all information you need to make sure you have the right lender and the right loan structure.

On top of this, we also complete the application form for you. So there’s no forms for you to fill in.

So if you’d like chat about how I can save you money on your home loan, you can text, call or email me on the contact details below.


Contact us today!

0400 449 135