When you’re a business owner, it can be a real hassle when borrowing. Pulling together your business financials and your tax returns, then filling out the application form, can be a real hassle. At Craig Tracey Lending we specialise in helping business owners when they are looking to borrow. Our ApplyOnline service saves you […]
Working with your Accountant
When you’re a business owner, most times you don’t know how much you can borrow. Most banks and brokers need you to fill out forms and hassle with paperwork, and then you’re told they can’t help you. At Craig Tracey Lending we specialise in helping business owners when they are looking to borrow. The […]
Buying Property
When buying property, you normally get a Pre Approval from your bank. But did you know, most Pre Approval letters aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on? Most Banks will give you a Pre-Approval in 24 hours. Now this is very fast and seems appealing, but the problem is your Loan is only “system” approved […]